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Joel Ahmed

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  1. https://blogs.worldbank.org/endpovertyinsouthasia/shifting-gears-propel-bangladeshs-growth-engine Shifting Gears to Propel Bangladesh’s Growth Engine GAURAV NAYYAR SIDDHARTH SHARMA |AUGUST 31, 2022 This page in: English Bangladesh’s manufacturing miracle is much celebrated. Labor-intensive, export-oriented growth driven by the ready-made garments (RMG) industry has propelled Bangladesh’s recent economic transformation. But this growth engine is under duress. Bangladesh will cease to benefit from duty-free quota-free market access to advanced economies once it graduates from least-developed country (LDC) status in 2026. Shifting global trends are also generating new challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced pressure points in reshaping global value chains. The European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is poised to penalize countries where climate change-related policies are less ambitious. And the growing use of industrial robots in high-income countries is reducing the importance of wage costs in determining international competitiveness. All in all, Bangladesh’s emphasis must shift to broader considerations of efficiency and quality as it seeks to diversify its export basket and move up the value chain. Innovation and technology adoption are becoming increasingly central to enable this transition. This was illustrated during the pandemic when digital solutions made firms more resilient but also when weak firm capabilities hampered bringing vaccine manufacturing to scale for the world. Technology matters for firm performance Our report finds that firms with higher technology levels in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector perform better. After accounting for key differences, such as size, physical capital and age, a 25 percent increase in the overall technology level is associated with a 3 percent increase in profits per worker. Industrial technologies such as robots, informational technologies such as business management software, transactional technologies such as digital payment systems, and management practices such as incentivizing employees and monitoring performance are all associated with better firm performance. In fact, as much as 18% of the total variation in the performance of manufacturing firms (as measured by indicators such as profits per worker) is explained by their observed differences in technology. This is comparable to the share of the variation in performance that is explained jointly by other key attributes, such as firms’ size, capital, age, sector, and location. Figure 1: In Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector, firms with higher technology levels earn higher profits and revenue per worker  Even incrementally better technologies need to be diffused much more widely While some firms in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector are at an advanced technological level, most use rudimentary technologies. In terms of business processes, the use of digital tools is few and far between. For example, 72 percent of firms practice manual quality inspections and 47 percent of them still use handwritten processes for business management. In terms of industrial processes, most firms in Bangladesh still use basic machinery (that is, fully manual or powered but manually operated) in most production stages. The sewing stage in the RMG industry is the exception to this norm; 80% of RMG firms use semi-automated technology and another 9 percent use fully automated methods. In terms of management techniques, many firms do not even use basic management practices for setting targets, providing incentives to workers, and monitoring performance. For example, 32 percent of firms do not monitor any key performance indicators (KPIs). Figure 2: Most firms in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector use basic technologies for quality control and business administration   Improving firm capabilities holds the key COVID-19 has provided an impetus to the advent of digitalization around the world. In Bangladesh, however, the increased use of digital platforms by businesses during the pandemic considerably lagged that in other countries. So how can policy makers accelerate the adoption of better technologies? Improving firm capabilities is key. Firms typically underinvest in foundational managerial and organizational practices because of limited awareness of their true value. Manufacturers in Bangladesh are no exception to this norm. They systematically underestimate the extent to which they are behind other firms in terms of technology use; nearly 84 percent of firms do not believe that they need external advice about adopting new technologies. The direct provision of business advisory services to firms can help overcome these information market failures. They are best implemented by private providers in competitive markets, with the government providing financial and regulatory support. More advanced firms such as RMG exporters or more technology-intensive industries such as pharmaceuticals can also benefit from technology extension services. Connectivity to international markets must also be leveraged to strengthen firm capabilities. For example, firms that most often used information from foreign buyers or suppliers to make decisions about technology adoption, on average, used mobile apps to complete tasks related to business administration, human resources, and inventory management compared with other firms that, on average, used handwritten processes or standard computer packages. This matters for the RMG industry where supplier development programs can enhance technology transfer to domestic firms that are well ensconced in GVCs. But it matters just as much for the more nascent pharmaceutical industry where partnerships with multi-national enterprises through FDI, contract manufacturing, and joint ventures can enable domestic firms to acquire world-class experience. Strengthening firm capabilities can enable manufacturers in Bangladesh to better withstand the headwinds in the world economy. There is little time and space for business-as-usual and technology adoption is necessary to change the equation from competing on wages to competing on productivity. In turn, productivity growth is a precondition for sustainably generating well-paid jobs. It can provide the very successful export-led manufacturing model in Bangladesh a second wind.
  2. https://www.tbsnews.net/economy/remittances-rise-126-august-488162 TBS Report 01 September, 2022, 04:40 pm Last modified: 01 September, 2022, 04:54 pm Remittances rise by 12.6% in August Bangladesh received $2.03 billion from the migrants overseas in August, which is 12.6% higher than same month of previous year, according to the central bank data. The wage earners sent $1.81 billion remittance to the country in August of 2021. The country received $2.2 billion from the migrants overseas in July, which was the highest in the last two years. July remittance inflow registered a 17.56% growth compared to the corresponding month last year. Remittance inflows declined 15% in 2021-22 financial year compared to the previous fiscal year when expatriates had sent home the highest amount in the country's history amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In the fiscal 2021-22, expatriates sent $21.03 billion through official channels which was $24.77 billion in the previous fiscal year, according to data from the Bangladesh Bank. In June, the final month of FY22, Bangladesh received remittances of $1.84 billion, down from $1.94 billion in the same month a year ago. As such, remittances declined by 5.33% year-on-year. According to industry insiders, expatriates had sent more remittances keeping in mind their families amid the pandemic in the fiscal 2020-21. In addition, the hundi – an informal cross-border fund transfer system – was almost closed due to Covid, so more remittances came to the banking channel. Remittances dropped in the outgoing fiscal year as Covid eased.
  3. https://bonikbarta.net/home/news_description/311972/নারায়ণগঞ্জে-হচ্ছে-৬-মেগাওয়াট-সক্ষমতার-বর্জ্যভিত্তিক-বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্র নারায়ণগঞ্জে হচ্ছে ৬ মেগাওয়াট সক্ষমতার বর্জ্যভিত্তিক বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্র নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক সেপ্টেম্বর ০১, ২০২২ https://bonikbarta.net/uploads/news_image/news_311972_1.jpeg?t=1662025531 বর্জ্য থেকে বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদন করতে নারায়ণগঞ্জে স্থাপিত হচ্ছে ছয় মেগাওয়াট ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্র। নারায়ণগঞ্জ সিটি করপোরেশনের আওতাধীন ৯ নম্বর ওয়ার্ডের জালকুড়ি এলাকায় এই কেন্দ্র স্থাপন করা হবে। এ বিষয়ে আজ বৃহস্পতিবার রাজধানীর সোনারগাঁও হোটেলে কনসোর্টিয়াম অব ইউডি এনভায়রনমেন্টাল ইকুইপমেন্ট টেকনোলজি কোম্পানি লিমিটেড নামে চীনের একটি কোম্পানির সঙ্গে চুক্তি করেছে বাংলাদেশ বিদ্যুৎ উন্নয়ন বোর্ড (পিডিবি)। চুক্তি সই অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন স্থানীয় সরকারমন্ত্রী মো. তাজুল ইসলাম, বিশেষ অতিথি বিদ্যুৎ-জ্বালানি ও খনিজসম্পদ প্রতিমন্ত্রী নসরুল হামিদ, নারায়ণগঞ্জ সিটি করপোরেশনের মেয়র ডা. সেলিনা হায়াৎ আইভী, নারায়ণগঞ্জ-৪ আসনের সংসদ একেএম শামীম ওসমান এবং চীনের রাষ্ট্রদূত এইচইলি জিমিং, স্থানীয় সরকার মন্ত্রণালয়ের সচিব মো. মেজবাহ উদ্দিন চৌধুরী এবং বিদ্যুৎ বিভাগের সচিব মো. হাবিবুর রহমান। স্থানীয় সরকারমন্ত্রী মো. তাজুল ইসলাম বলেন, বাংলাদেশ সরকার পরিবেশ ভারসাম্য রক্ষায় যেসব প্রকল্প গ্রহণ করতে চলেছে নারায়ণগঞ্জের প্রকল্পটি তার একটি। এর আদলে সারা দেশের পৌরসভা ও গ্রামে এই কাজ করা হবে। এরমধ্যে ২০ থেকে ৩০টি জায়গা আমরা চিহ্নিত করেছি। বিদ্যুৎ প্রতিমন্ত্রী নসরুল হামিদ বলেন, এই কেন্দ্র থেকে যে বিদ্যুৎ কেনা হবে, তার দাম হবে প্রতি ইউনিট প্রায় ২০ টাকা। অথচ আমরা এটি বিক্রি করবো ৫ থেকে ৬ টাকায়। এই ঘাটতির সংস্থান করবে বিদ্যুৎ বিভাগ। এর মূল কারণ হচ্ছে— প্রধানমন্ত্রী চেয়েছেন দেশের সব বর্জ্য ব্যবস্থাপনার একটি নির্দিষ্ট কাজ হোক। উনার এই আগ্রহের কারণে আজকের এই প্রকল্প। তিনি বলেন, নারায়ণগঞ্জ এই প্রকল্পের পর পরিবেশবান্ধব ও মডেল শহরে পরিণত হবে। স্বাগত বক্তব্যে পিডিবির চেয়ারম্যান মাহবুবুর রহমান বলেন, এই কেন্দ্রটি স্থাপন হলে নারায়ণগঞ্জের বর্জ্য ব্যবস্থাপনা অনেক ভালো অবস্থানে আসবে। এই কেন্দ্র থেকে নো-পেমেন্ট নো-ইলেকট্রিসিটি অনুযায়ী বিদ্যুৎ নেয়া হবে। এখান থেকে প্রতি ইউনিট বিদ্যুৎ ২০ দশমিক ৯১ সেন্টে কিনবে পিডিবি৷ এই চুক্তি সইয়ের পর ৪৫৫ দিনের মধ্যে প্রকল্পটি বাস্তবায়ন করা হবে। আমি আশা করছি, নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে এই কাজ শেষ হবে। কনসোর্টিয়াম অব ইউডি এনভায়রনমেন্টাল ইকুইপমেন্ট টেকনোলজি কোম্পানির সিইও জো টিং জি বলেন, বেল্ট ইন ইনিশিয়েটিভ এর আওতায় বিশ্বের বহু দেশ ক্লিন এনার্জি নিয়ে কাজ করছে। এই প্রকল্পের আওতায় আজ নারায়ণগঞ্জে বর্জ্য বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্র স্থাপন করা হচ্ছে। আমরা আশা করছি, চীনের এই কাজের আওতায় সারা বিশ্বের সবুজ প্রকল্পের অংশ হয়ে উঠবে নারায়ণগঞ্জ। মেয়র ডা. সেলিনা হায়াৎ আইভী বলেন, দীর্ঘ ১১ বছরের অপেক্ষার পর আমরা আজ এই কেন্দ্র পেতে যাচ্ছি। এজন্য আমরা ২৩ একর জায়গা অধিগ্রহণ করেছি। নারায়ণগঞ্জ থেকে ৫০০ টন ময়লা সংগ্রহ করা হবে এই কেন্দ্রের জন্য। আমরা যদি ময়লা দিতে না পারি, সেক্ষেত্রে ১০০ টাকা করে জরিমানা দিতে হবে। আর ওরা নিতে না পারলে ৫০০ টাকা উল্টো আমাদের দিতে হবে। তিনি বলেন, এই কেন্দ্র স্থাপনের পর নারায়ণগঞ্জে আর ময়লা থাকবে না। পাশাপাশি শীতলক্ষ্যা নদীর উন্নয়নে আমরা কাজ করতে চাই। অনুষ্ঠানে বলা হয়, প্রাথমিকভাবে প্রকল্পের মোট ব্যয় ধরা হয় ১৯১১৮.২৫ লাখ টাকা। পরে প্রকল্পের ব্যয় সংশোধিত হয়ে ৩৪৫৯১.৩১ লাখ টাকা ধরা হয়েছে। যা ২০১৮ সালের ৭ নভেম্বর একনেক সভায় অনুমোদিত হয়।
  4. https://today.thefinancialexpress.com.bd/last-page/forex-reserves-signal-fall-to-37b-soon-1661969603 Forex reserves signal fall to $37b soon Forecast for early Sept comes amid intensifying pressure on dollar coffers SIDDIQUE ISLAM | September 01, 2022 00:00:00 Pressure on Bangladesh's foreign-exchange reserves has intensified gradually, with an outlook of dropping to US$37 billion in the first week of September from $39.05 billion as of Wednesday. Official sources make such a forecast, while the central bank continues selling the US dollar at comparatively lower prices to the banks in a bid to cushion the crunch. The Bangladesh Bank (BB) is scheduled to make a routine payment worth $1.73 billion to the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) against imports made during the July-August period of 2022. Different ministries, including power, energy and mineral resources along with agriculture, now prefer to collect the greenback from the central bank through mostly state-owned commercial banks (SoCBs) to settle their import-payment obligations for essentials, including fuel oils, the officials explain. The central bank is now selling the US currency at Tk 95 per unit to the banks as foreign-currency liquidity for footing import-payments bills, particularly for petroleum products, liquefied natural gas (LNG), food- grains and fertilisers. However, most of the authorised dealer (AD) banks traded the greenback at rates ranging between Tk 95.05 and Tk 108 to their customers on Wednesday for settling the import-payment obligations, according to market operators. They also said the banks were fixing the selling rate of the US dollar to the importers in accordance with buying rates of the greenback from exporters as well as inward remittances from the overseas exchange houses. The banks are charging higher rates of the US dollar to the importers as the overseas exchange houses are quoting increased rates of the inward remittances continuously, they explained. Most of the banks received the inward remittances offering maximum at Tk 114 on Wednesday instead of Tk 111 two days before through the overseas exchange houses. Talking to the FE, a senior treasury official at a leading private commercial bank said the regulators should address issues, particularly quoting higher rates for inward remittances by the overseas exchange houses, immediately to bring stability in the market. He also predicted that the ongoing pressure on the forex market might ease slightly within the middle of September if the import monitoring by the BB continues. "Actually, we are compelled to sell the US dollar from the reserves almost every working day to clear such import-payment obligations through mostly the SoCBs," a senior BB official told the FE while replying to a query. He also said the central bank is providing the US dollar as foreign-currency liquidity support to scheduled banks continuously for managing the forex-market volatility. "Such support is likely to continue in the coming days in line with the market requirements," the central banker adds. As part of the ongoing moves, the central bank sold $50 million more directly to three SoCBs on Wednesday to help them meet a growing demand for the greenback as global price rises have led to import-cost escalation with its resultant pressures on reserves of Bangladesh, as also of many other countries. The settlement of letters of credit (LC), generally known as actual import, in terms of value, stood at $6.79 billion in July against $6.80 billion a month before. It was $6.16 billion in May 2022. On the other hand, the opening of LCs, generally known as import orders, dropped more than 38 per cent to $4.78 billion in July 2022 from $6.60 billion a month before. It was $5.43 billion in May 2022. The BB has so far injected $2.49 billion from the reserves directly into commercial banks as liquidity support for import payments in the current fiscal year (FY), 2022-23. In FY22, the central bank sold $7.62 billion from the reserves to the banks for the same purpose. Bangladesh's forex reserves stood at $39.05 billion on Wednesday against $39. 04 billion of the previous working day, according to latest official figures. [email protected]
  5. https://www.tbsnews.net/bangla/অর্থনীতি/news-details-107930 আবু আজাদ 28 August, 2022, 01:50 pm Last modified: 29 August, 2022, 05:26 pm শিমুল আলুর খোসা থেকে পরিবেশবান্ধব ব্যাগ: বছরে ৫০ কোটি টাকার পণ্য রপ্তানি করছে ইকোস্পিয়ার ব্যাপক সম্ভাবনা থাকার পরও দীর্ঘ চারবছর ধরে চেষ্টা করেও দেশের বাজারে প্রবেশের লাইসেন্স পায়নি বাংলাদেশি প্রতিষ্ঠান ইকোস্পিয়ার। ২০০২ সালে বাংলাদেশ বিশ্বের প্রথম দেশ হিসেবে প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাগ নিষিদ্ধ করে। অভূতপূর্ব সেই পদক্ষেপটি বেশ প্রশংসিত হয়েছিলো। তবে সেই আইন পাশের বিশ বছর পরেও দৃশ্যপট বদলায়নি। সকাল-বিকাল প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাগ হাতে মানুষের বাড়ি ফেরা আর সেই ব্যাগ যত্রতত্র ছুঁড়ে ফেলার চিত্র নিত্যকার। পরিবেশ বিধ্বংসী এই ঘটনাটি যখন সবাই স্বাভাবিক হিসেবে মেনে নিয়েছে; তখন চট্টগ্রামের এক যুবক প্রচলিত প্লাস্টিক ব্যাগের বিকল্প খোঁজা শুরু করেন। ২০১৮ সালে ইন্দোনেশিয়ার প্রযুক্তিগত সহযোগিতা নিয়ে কাসাভা (শিমুল আলু) থেকে দেশেই পরিবেশবান্ধব ব্যাগের উৎপাদন শুরু করেন তিনি। এখন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, জার্মানি ও কানাডায় প্রতিবছর প্রায় ৫০ কোটি টাকার পরিবেশবান্ধব ব্যাগ রপ্তানি করছে দেশি প্রতিষ্ঠান ইকোস্পিয়ার। ইকোস্পিয়ার এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ও প্রধান নির্বাহী মোহাম্মদ রায়হান দ্য বিজনেস স্ট্যান্ডার্ডকে বলেন, 'সময়টা ২০১৬ সালের মে মাস। আমরা তখন চট্টগ্রামের হালিশহরে বসবাস করছিলাম। ঘূর্ণিঝড় রোয়ানুর আঘাতে শহরের উপকূলবর্তী এলাকার পুরোটাই ডুবে গেছে। এ দুর্যোগের মাঝে আমি আরও একটি মহা দুর্যোগ আবিষ্কার করলাম। পানি নেমে যেতেই শহরের সব রাস্তা ও নালাগুলোকে প্লাস্টিকে প্লাবিত অবস্থায় পেলাম। তখনই আমি প্লাস্টিকের বিকল্প নিয়ে খোঁজ শুরু করি।' ২০১৭ সালে ইন্দোনেশিয়াসহ দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার দেশগুলোতে কাসাভা নামের এক ধরনের আলুর খোসা ব্যবহার করে পরিবেশবান্ধব (বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল) ব্যাগ তৈরী শুরু হয়। ২০১৮ সালে ইন্দোনেশিয়া থেকে একটি মেশিন আমদানি করে চট্টগ্রামের হালিশহরে কারখানা স্থাপন করে মোহাম্মদ রায়হান। বর্তমানে রাজধানীর তেজগাঁও এলাকায় তাদের একটি কারখানা আছে। যেখানে কাসাভা, ভুট্টা ও পিবিএটি (বায়োম্যাটেরিয়াল) ব্যবহার করে প্রতিমাসে ১৫ টনের বেশি পরিবেশবান্ধব প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাগ তৈরী করা হয়। মোহাম্মদ রায়হান বলেন, 'সাধারণ প্লাস্টিক যেখানে ৪০০ বছরেও পচে না। সেখানে কাসাভা ও ভুট্টা থেকে তৈরী ৩০ মাইক্রনের ব্যাগগুলি ৯০ দিন এবং ৫৫ মাইক্রনের ব্যাগগুলি একবার ফেলে দেওয়া হলে প্রাকৃতিকভাবে সম্পূর্ণ বায়োডিগ্রেড হতে ১৪৭ দিন লাগে। আর গরম পানিতে এটি মাত্র তিন মিনিটেই তরলে পরিণত হয়। বায়ো-ডিগ্রেডেবল এই ব্যাগ পুনঃব্যবহারেরও সুযোগ রয়েছে। তাছাড়া বিসিএসআইআর ল্যাবে পরীক্ষা করে ইকোস্পিয়ারের পণ্যগুলোতে প্লাস্টিকের কোনো উপাদান পাওয়া যায়নি।' কাসাভা দিয়ে ব্যাগ উৎপাদনের পাশাপাশি ২০২১ সাল থেকে ইকোস্পিয়ার পরিবেশবান্ধব প্লাস্টিক তৈরীর সর্বাধুনিক প্রযুক্তি পলিমেটেরিয়া-এর ব্যবহার করছে। ইকোস্পিয়ার পরিবেশবান্ধব এ প্লাস্টিকের নামকরণ করেছে ফাসটিক্স (FASTIX)। এটি মাটিতে মিশে যেতে সময় নেয় মাত্র ১৮ মাস। ফাসটিক্স দিয়ে উৎপাদন করা হচ্ছে কাপ, বোতল, স্ট্র, লন্ড্রিব্যাগ, জুস ক্যাপ, প্যাকেজিং ব্যাগ, হোয়াইট পলি, গার্মেন্টস পলিব্যাগ ও ফুড কনটেইনার। প্রতিমাসে এ জাতীয় দুই টন ফাসটিক্স পণ্য তৈরী করছে ইকোস্পিয়ার। এসব পণ্যের গ্রাহকদের তালিকায় রয়েছে আমেরিকার প্যাবেল চাইল্ড এর মতো বিশ্বখ্যাত শিশুদের খেলনা প্রস্তুতকারী প্রতিষ্ঠানও। ইকোস্পিয়ার এর প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মোহাম্মদ রায়হান বলেন, 'দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ায় যেটিকে কাসাভা বলা হয়, সেটি মূলত আমাদের দেশের শিমুল আলু। কিন্তু দেশে এই আলুর খোসা প্রসেসিং করার কোনো যন্ত্র না থাকায় আমরা ইন্দোনেশিয়া ও মালয়েশিয়া থেকে প্রক্রিয়াজাত খোসা (রেজিন) আমদানি করে পণ্য উৎপাদন করি। তবে আমরা ধীরে ধীরে ফাসটিক্স তৈরীতে মনোযোগ দিচ্ছি। এতে আমদানি খরচ যেমন বাঁচবে, তেমনি দেশে ব্যবহৃত যে কোনো মেশিন ব্যবহার করেই এই ফাসটিক্স তৈরী করা যাবে।' কী এই ফাসটিক্স প্লাস্টিক দূষণ মোকাবেলায় একটি ব্রিটিশ অ্যাডভান্সড টেকনোলজি ডেভেলপমেন্ট কোম্পানির নাম পলিমেটেরিয়া (Polymateria) লিমিটেড। যাদের ইম্পেরিয়াল কলেজ লন্ডনের ক্যাম্পাসে একটি ল্যাব রয়েছে। ব্রিটিশ কোম্পানি পলিমেটেরিয়া আবিষ্কৃত বায়োট্রান্সফরমেশন টেকনোলজি সব ধরনের প্লাস্টিককে প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশে সম্পূর্ণরূপে বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল করতে পারে। বিশ্বে চলমান প্লাস্টিক দূষণকে মহামারির সঙ্গে তুলনা করে, একে রুখতে তারা নিজেদের উদ্ভাবিত পদ্ধতিকে বলছে 'ভ্যাকসিন ফর প্লাস্টিকস'। বাংলাদেশি প্রতিষ্ঠান ইকোস্পিয়ার পলিমেটেরিয়ার সঙ্গে মিলিতভাবে কাজ করছে এবং বায়োট্রান্সফরমেশন টেকনোলজির মাধ্যমে উৎপাদিত প্লাস্টিকের স্থানীয় নামকরণ করা হয়েছে ফাসটিক্স। এ প্রযুক্তি সম্পর্কে পলিমেটেরিয়ার প্রধান নির্বাহী নি'ল ডুন আন্তর্জাতিক গণমাধ্যম ব্লুমবার্গে দেওয়া এক সাক্ষাৎকারে বলেন, 'আমাদের লক্ষ্য এমন প্লাস্টিক যা সহজেই প্রকৃতিতে মিশে যাবে, যার জন্য কোনো কম্পোস্টিং প্রযুক্তির প্রয়োজন হবে না।' মোহাম্মদ রায়হান বলেন, 'পলিমেটেরিয়া হলো এমন একটি রাসায়নিক, যা প্লাস্টিকের পলিথিন, কাপ বা বোতল তৈরির সময় ব্যবহার করা হয়। ফলে এটি প্লাস্টিককে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে ধ্বংসে সহায়তা করে। এটি প্লাস্টিকের পলিমারগুলোকে ভেঙে মোমে পরিণত করে। সবচেয়ে চমৎকার বিষয় হলো এ প্রক্রিয়ায় প্লাস্টিকগুলো মাইক্রো বা ন্যানো আকারে পরিবেশে থেকে যায় না। বরং সম্পূর্ণরূপে প্রাকৃতিক ব্যাকটেরিয়া এবং ছত্রাকের খাবারে পরিণত হয়।' তিনি আরও জানান, ইকোস্পিয়ার শীঘ্রই বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল রেইনকোট, এপ্রোন এবং স্যানিটেশন কভার তৈরি করবে। সম্ভাবনা থাকার পরেও মিলছে না দেশের বাজারে প্রবেশের অনুমতি ইকোস্পিয়ার ২০১৮ সাল থেকে বিদেশে পরিবেশবান্ধব ব্যাগ রপ্তানি করছে। এমনকি পরিবেশবান্ধব প্লাস্টিক তৈরীতে বিশ্বব্যাপী আলোড়ন তৈরী করা প্রতিষ্ঠান পলিমেটেরিয়া সম্প্রতি বাংলাদেশের বাজার পর্যবেক্ষণ করে এর ব্যাপক সম্ভাবনার কথা জানিয়েছে। পলিমেটেরিয়া ইউকের চিফ কমার্শিয়াল অফিসার রিচার্ড হর্ন দ্য বিজনেস স্ট্যান্ডার্ডকে বলেন, 'ইতোমধ্যে আমরা এশিয়ায় তাইওয়ান, ইন্দোনেশিয়া, মালয়েশিয়া ও ভারতে আমাদের প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার শুরু করেছি। সম্প্রতি তাইওয়ানের ফরমোসা প্লাস্টিক কর্পোরেশন আমাদের সঙ্গে ১০০ মিলিয়ন ডলারের চুক্তি করেছে। আইনগতভাবে আগে থেকেই সুযোগ তৈরী থাকায় বাংলাদেশে বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল প্লাস্টিক পণ্য তৈরী ও বাজারজাতকরণের দারুণ সুযোগ রয়েছে। তবে এ জন্য দেশটির শিল্প অনুমোদনকারী প্রতিষ্ঠানটিকে প্রস্তুত থাকতে হবে।' তিনি জানান, বিশ্বব্যাপী খাদ্য উৎপাদনকারী কোম্পানি, ঔষধ শিল্প, প্যাকেজিং সংস্থাগুলো এই ধরনের প্লাস্টিক ব্যবহারে আগ্রহী হয়েছে। এদের মধ্যে মুম্বাইভিত্তিক ব্র্যান্ড গোদরেজ অন্যতম। কিন্তু দীর্ঘ চারবছর ধরে চেষ্টা করেও দেশীয় বাজারে প্রবেশের লাইসেন্স পায়নি বাংলাদেশি প্রতিষ্ঠান ইকোস্পিয়ার। এ বিষয়ে জানতে চাইলে বাংলাদেশ স্ট্যান্ডার্ড অ্যান্ড টেস্টিং ইনস্টিটিউশনের (বিএসটিআই) সহকারী পরিচালক মোনোতোষ কুমার দাশ দ্য বিজনেস স্ট্যান্ডার্ডকে বলেন, 'দেশের বাজারে যে কোনো পণ্য আনতে গেলে লাইসেন্সের প্রয়োজন হয়। বর্তমানে আমাদের ২২৯টি প্রোডাক্ট পরীক্ষার ল্যাব রয়েছে। তবে ইকোস্পিয়ার যে স্ট্যান্ডার্ডের পণ্য বাজারে আনতে চাচ্ছে তা পরীক্ষা করার মতো ল্যাব আমাদের নেই। তাই এই মুহূর্তে আমাদের লাইসেন্স দেওয়ার সুযোগ নেই। তবে মৌখিকভাবে পণ্য বিপণনের অনুমতি দেয়া আছে।' ইকোস্পিয়ারের প্রধান মোহাম্মদ রায়হান বলেন, 'শুধুমাত্র মৌখিক অনুমতিতে দেশে ব্যবসা করা সম্ভব নয়। দেশের অনেকগুলো সংস্থাকে ম্যানেজ করে ব্যবসা করতে হয়। তারা লাইসেন্স ছাড়া আমাকে ব্যবসা করতে দিচ্ছে না।' তিনি বলেন, '২০১৮ সালে বাংলাদেশ বিজ্ঞান ও শিল্প গবেষণাগার আমাদের উৎপাদিত ব্যাগ ১৪৭ দিনের মধ্যে পুরোপুরি বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল বলে সার্টিফাই করে। যেখানে এক শতাংশ প্লাস্টিকও নেই।' এছাড়া ২০২১ সালে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ভিত্তিক স্বাধীন প্লাস্টিক বিশেষজ্ঞদের প্রতিষ্ঠান ইমপ্যাক্ট সলিউশনস ও নেদারল্যান্ড ভিত্তিক প্রতিষ্ঠান ওয়েল রিসার্চ তাদের প্রতিবেদনে ইকোস্পিয়ারের পণ্যকে "কম্পোস্টেবল" ও "বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল" হিসেবে সার্টিফিকেট দিয়েছে বলে জানান তিনি। পরিবেশ অধিদপ্তরের (ঢাকা অঞ্চলের) পরিচালক মো. জিয়াউল হক বলেন, 'ইকোস্পিয়ারের তৈরী করা ব্যাগটি বিসিএসআইআর ল্যাবে পরীক্ষা করে বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল এবং কম্পোস্টেবল হিসেবে প্রমাণিত হয়েছে। কিন্তু আমরা প্রতিষ্ঠানটিকে লাইসেন্স দেওয়ার জন্য সুপারিশ করে চিঠি দিলেও বিএসটিআই এর এ পরীক্ষার সক্ষমতা নেই জানিয়ে সম্প্রতি আবেদনটি ফেরত পাঠিয়েছে।' বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল প্লাস্টিক নিয়ে বিতর্ক সাধারণ প্লাস্টিকের বিকল্প হিসেবে বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল প্লাস্টিক ব্যবহার নিয়ে বিশ্বের বিজ্ঞানীরা এখন পর্যন্ত একমত হতে পারেন নি। জিএআইএ (গ্লোবাল অ্যালায়েন্স ফর ইনসিনারেটর অল্টারনেটিভস)-এর গ্লোবাল ক্লাইমেট প্রোগ্রামের পরিচালক মারিয়েল ভিয়েলা বলেন, 'বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল প্লাস্টিক বর্জ্য ব্যবস্থাপনার সমাধান নয়। এটি এখনো বৈজ্ঞানিকভাবে স্পষ্টভাবে প্রমাণ করা যায়নি।' তিনি উদ্বেগ প্রকাশ করে বলেন, 'বায়োডিগ্রেডেবল এবং কম্পোস্টেবল প্লাস্টিক মানুষকে আরও বেশি প্লাস্টিক আবর্জনা তৈরীতে উৎসাহিত করবে।' তবে পলিমেটেরিয়া ইউকের চিফ কমার্শিয়াল অফিসার রিচার্ড হর্ন বলেন, 'প্রতি বছর প্রায় ৩৩০ মিলিয়ন টন প্লাস্টিক পরিবেশে প্রবেশ করে, যার ৪০ শতাংশ ল্যান্ডফিলে যায়, ১৪ শতাংশ পুনর্ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং ১৪ শতাংশ বর্জ্য থেকে শক্তি হিসেবে রূপান্তরিত হয়। বাকি ৩২ শতাংশ প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশে বর্জ্য হিসাবে থেকে যায় সর্বনিম্ন ৪০০ থেকে ১০০০ বছর পর্যন্ত। এ অবস্থায় পলিমেটেরিয়া চাইছে অন্তত এই পণ্যগুলোকে প্রকৃতিতে পচিয়ে ফেলতে।'
  6. Did you know that bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Denmark has reached the mark of 1 billion USD? The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and the Bangladesh Embassy in Denmark hosted a webinar on business and trade opportunities in Bangladesh. The speakers at the event highlighted that Bangladesh is one of the world’s fastest-growing emerging markets and there is a lot more room to boost the bilateral trade and investment between countries. The speakers included: Bangladeshi Ambassador to Denmark, H.E. Mr. M. Allama Siddiki Danish Ambassador to Bangladesh, H.E. Ms. Winnie Estrup Petersen Mr. Ole Linnet Juul, DI Executive Chairman of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), Mr. Sirazul Islam Director General of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) Commercial Counsellor & Head of Trade Mission at the Danish Embassy in Bangladesh, Mr. Ali Mushtaq Butt Representatives from Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA), Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industries (FBCCI), and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA).
  7. https://www.tbsnews.net/features/panorama/pros-and-cons-cepa-india-deal-worth-risk-480610 Nasif Tanjim 20 August, 2022, 03:35 pm Last modified: 20 August, 2022, 03:40 pm The pros and cons of a Cepa with India: ‘The deal is worth the risk’ Bangladesh is starting formal negotiations with India for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Cepa). The negotiations are taking place at a time when Bangladesh is set to lose the duty-free and quota-free market-access facility to India after 2026 when it graduates to a developing country. Dr Selim Raihan, who led a feasibility study of the deal, on the other hand, spoke to The Business Standard about how both Bangladesh and India can gain from Cepa. What are your thoughts on a Cepa deal with India? How important is this deal? India is one of our largest trading partners; in fact, it is our second largest source. At the same time, various studies, including my own, have shown that whatever we export to India now, we can export more. The potential is largely untapped. We also need to remember that in our current trade arrangement, India offers Bangladesh duty-free export facilities on almost all products except for alcoholic products and firearms. But regarding imports, Bangladesh charges reduced tariffs for some products due to Safta, but for other products, Bangladesh charges MFA tariffs. In this context, an FTA between the two countries is needed. There are three major pillars of Cepa: Signing an FTA when it comes to goods. Liberalisation in service trade. Promotion of bilateral investment. I actually led the joint feasibility study. In the study, Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute represented Bangladesh, while the Centre for Regional Trade represented India. If we can include services in a trade deal with India, this should include many things like connectivity, health, education, tourism, port-access etc. What should we focus on to get the most out of the deal? Can it help reduce the trade deficit? Bangladesh has a trade deficit with India. While Bangladesh has the largest bilateral trade deficit with China, the trade deficit with India is more talked about. It is perhaps because of the political climate of the Indian subcontinent. On the other side, Bangladesh is generating a trade surplus with two major export destinations, North America and the European Union. We shouldn't be concerned about the bilateral trade deficit as long as we can compensate by having a trade surplus with some other countries. Bangladesh has been able to do so. The raw material and capital machinery that Bangladesh imports from China and India is used in our export-oriented and domestic industries. Then Bangladesh is making that export to North America, where Bangladesh has a huge trade surplus. But if we want to decrease the trade deficit with India, investment is one of the important tools. If we get substantial investment from India and can use that investment to produce goods and in turn export to India and the rest of the world, it will increase our trade integration with India and help close the trade gap. Our joint study suggests how India and Bangladesh can gain from Cepa. We need working groups to negotiate trade and goods, services and investments. These working groups will involve ministries and other stakeholders. People are wary about the possibility of India-weighted economic agreements. How probable is that? Will we benefit from this deal? From this deal, both countries will benefit. If they don't, they will say they are not interested. For a deal like Cepa to materialise, the partners must be convinced that something is to be gained. Being a larger country, India has more advantages. In some respect, India already has the upper hand. India's export capacity is ample. And regarding investment, Indian investors can be found all over the world. When it comes to Bangladesh, we need to focus on three things. The first thing is about trading goods. Bangladesh already gets a duty free facility from India; Bangladesh will have to give the same facility to India. So Bangladesh and India will be on the same level concerning tariffs. But there is a considerable trade deficit, and we have a limited number of products we can export. So we need to be careful about this fact. Secondly, some sectors might be afraid that Indian products will take over the market. In such FTA agreements, some products are kept out of the agreement. Bangladesh must pick which products it wants to keep out of the deal. We need to do the proper homework. We must be cautious about choosing which products to keep out of FTAs. Thirdly, there is a valid concern that Bangladesh will face non-tariff barriers while exporting to India. For example, different types of procedural obstacles. These barriers have discouraged business people from exporting to India. Issues like high transition and freight costs need to be addressed. Otherwise, even after FTA, things would remain the same. There are some risks in any FTA deal; it's not just about India. But yes, this deal is worth the risk. Bangladesh should also start talking with the EU about FTA. Because after 2029, three years after LDC graduation, instead of GSP, we will have to go for GSP+, which has a lot of conditions. Is the deal political as much as it is economical? India is the closest neighbour to Bangladesh. We are surrounded on three sides by India, and you can not change your neighbour. The challenges we have with India are mainly political issues related to border, river-sharing as well as issues of mistrust – all of which have historical context. We can not change that overnight. But I think Bangladesh has been largely smart in trading with India. We can see that by comparing Bangladesh to Pakistan. Due to Pakistan's political relation with India, they buy Indian products from UAE at a higher price. It doesn't make much sense. On the other hand, no matter our political relationship with India, we have prioritised our economy, regardless of who was in power.
  8. https://www.tbsnews.net/features/panorama/pros-and-cons-cepa-india-bangladeshs-private-sector-will-have-time-prepare-india Adam Pitman 20 August, 2022, 03:20 pm Last modified: 20 August, 2022, 04:54 pm The pros and cons of a Cepa with India: 'Bangladesh's private sector will have time to prepare for India FTA' Bangladesh is starting formal negotiations with India for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Cepa). The negotiations are taking place at a time when Bangladesh is set to lose the duty-free and quota-free market-access facility to India after 2026 when it graduates to a developing country. Dr Sanjay Kathuria, a former lead economist with the World Bank, in an interview with Adam Pitman, explained his view of political concerns that complicate trade in South Asia. Dr Sanjay Kathuria. Sketch: TBS Bangladesh's private sector will have time to prepare for India FTA Many Bangladeshis are wary about the possibility of India-weighted economic agreements. Are agreements like India-Bangladesh Cepa worth the risk? I certainly believe it's not just worth the risk, but it is important to take the plunge. And I really don't think it's a risk in the long run, and I will explain why. At a macro-level, everybody is concerned about bilateral trade deficits – the bilateral trade deficit with India, for example, is high and growing. And underneath that, there's the fear that, 'I cannot compete.' But we know that Bangladesh is macro-economically stable. Bilateral trade deficits are political issues, but they are not economic [issues]. Bangladesh imports critical goods inputs for its garments industry, critical consumer goods, machinery, and then uses them for production and for exports. Critically, especially in these times, imports help keep prices in check. The concern should be on the overall current account deficit, rather than bilateral trade deficit. That means the deficit after accounting for remittances and other services exports, such as tourism. And there, Bangladesh doesn't really have an issue. In fact, lower income countries should be running some level of current account deficits so that they can, as they say, 'import savings from the rest of the world.' The bilateral deficit with India, while growing, hasn't led to any macro-economic situation, and there is stability on the balance of payments. So, one, don't worry about bilateral deficits in trade. The second thing is that trade and investment are very closely linked, and Bangladesh sorely needs high-quality investment in export-oriented sectors. If there is a free trade agreement between India and Bangladesh, as they are currently contemplating under the Cepa, Bangladesh's exports to India would go up 182% under an FTA, and if they add trade facilitation measures, and reduce transaction costs, then there could be an increase of 300%. Those statistics are from a paper [Unlocking Bangladesh-India Trade: Emerging Potential and the Way Forward] I did with Selim Raihan and Prabir De in 2012. A free trade agreement could increase Indian investment in Bangladesh – not only for re-exports to India, but even as a base for exports to the rest of the world. [That is] because Bangladesh is more competitive in some sectors, like garments, and that range of products can be expanded with reform and foreign investment. Can you spell out the link between trade agreements and investment more directly? The proposed Cepa goes beyond the liberalisation of merchandise trade. And there has been work by the World Bank which shows that deeper economic agreements spawn other economic linkages, especially when it comes to investment. When governments show confidence in signing an agreement like the Cepa, it can energise the private sector. Businesspeople think 'this is a stable economic partnership – what can I do profitably?' Bangladesh could leverage Indian expertise in service sectors to improve competitiveness across a range of manufacturing industries. Services are critical to overall competitiveness, including in manufacturing. Indian services firms could also invest in, and improve, Bangladesh's productivity in different sectors, like logistics, for example, as well as labour skills – I just saw that Bangladesh scores very poorly in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index, below Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. And it wouldn't be just Indian investment in Bangladesh. There will also be Bangladeshi investment in India's Northeast, for example, to secure its own future for agricultural products. So, it will be a two-way street. Also, if Bangladesh signs a free trade agreement with a big country like India, this can interest [businesspeople] from other countries as well. Businesses could use Bangladesh as a base to export to India, and even develop joint ventures with [Indian companies] in Bangladesh. So, I think there could be a lot of gainful investment, but more critically, this investment will help Bangladesh diversify, and become more competitive in sectors other than garments. How do you interpret ideas like 'India cannot be trusted,' or 'we're bound to lose,' when bilateral trade deals are under discussion? It is par for the course in South Asia. It's true in Sri Lanka, and Nepal, and in all smaller countries when they're faced with a larger country. It's fear induced by asymmetric size and capacity. [But] larger countries – like India – take into account smaller countries' sensitivities in different ways: one, trade agreements are implemented over longer periods, giving [industries] time to adjust; two, liberalisation is asymmetric, so a smaller country gets an 'early harvest,' [which can create] political support for liberalisation; three, certain sectors which are very sensitive, say, because the number of people employed, may be kept out of the liberalisation altogether – such as parts of agriculture. India has already unilaterally liberalised trade with all the least developed countries of South Asia. Then there is the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement, which was another example of asymmetric liberalisation – India opened up much faster to Sri Lanka than vice versa. And I'm confident that is going to be the model for any future Cepa between India and Bangladesh. The most sensitive sectors for Bangladesh will be opened up at the end – 10 years down the line, or whenever they decide. That is normal when free trade agreements are designed between two partners of different capacities. So, there'll be enough time, provided there is intent, for the private sector to adjust and get ready for greater competition. And remember: there will be big winners along with losers. So, the challenge is managing the transition. New and expanding sectors should be supported by a facilitative policy that improves [access to] capital, labour mobility, and skill development. How have domestic politics in South Asia changed your work on regional trade and connectivity? It has become clear to me that there are no quick wins in this scenario. But good things happen, and are happening, and that needs to be celebrated. My approach is: don't necessarily go with big reforms, but focus on incremental stuff, which is less likely to raise opposition. Be opportunistic when openings present themselves, then go for it. Keep going at it. Celebrate. Look for openings. Don't get disheartened by setbacks. Because that's par for the course. You know, one step forward two steps back, or two forward and one back. Really look hard for openings – and for dialogue. There are always opportunities, even in the most negative of circumstances. There are ways out. In fact, there are fresh opportunities today for South Asia – [even in] the bleak global scenario we find ourselves. Fresh opportunities, for example, [to develop] regional value chains [that take] advantage of the global [pursuit of] supply chain diversification. I am inherently optimistic, and will keep plugging away.
  9. https://www.tbsnews.net/economy/dutch-company-acquires-petromax-lpg-cylinders-over-tk1000cr-487758 Mahfuz Ullah Babu 31 August, 2022, 11:05 pm Last modified: 01 September, 2022, 10:01 am Dutch company acquires Petromax LPG, Cylinders for over Tk1,000cr SHV Energy aims to “make clean and safe energy options accessible and affordable to as many customers and companies as possible Dutch Multinational SHV Energy has taken over entire stakes at Petromax LPG Ltd and Petromax Cylinders Ltd for more than Tk1,000 crore to enter the fast-growing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) market of Bangladesh. The deal was closed on 22 August, according to a statement by HSBC Bangladesh, which supported the inbound foreign direct investment (FDI) and financed the acquisition. Neither the parties nor the bank disclosed the deal value. But, two persons with direct knowledge of the deal said it was around a $100 million deal, which converts into over Tk1,000 crore, considering the prevailing exchange rate. Declining the request to comment on financial details of the deal, Hasan Imam Siddiki, head of group finance at Petromax's parent Youth Group, told The Business Standard, "This is the first time in the history of the country's LPG industry that a foreign entrant completely acquires a local venture." Starting LPG bottling business in 2018, Petromax LPG Ltd, with its 6500 MT LPG storage facility, ascended to the fifth spot with around 6% share in the local LPG market in terms of volume, he said. The other company, Petromax Cylinders, has a single-shift capacity to manufacture 5 lakh LPG cylinders a year at its Mirzapur Tangail plant, according to Siddiki. SHV Energy, present in 24-25 countries across four continents, aims to "make clean and safe energy options accessible and affordable to as many customers and companies as possible," reads the HSBC statement. It also said SHV believes in the untapped high-growth potential of the Bangladesh LPG market as the country is slowly transitioning to cleaner fuel like LPG from the current scenario of widely-used polluting fuels. In recent years, SHV Energy has acquired LPG businesses across markets, including the USA, Italy, Brazil and also the Asian region. "Petromax is a relatively new yet already one of the key players in this growing LPG market," it added. HSBC Bangladesh Chief Executive Md Mahbub ur Rahman said, "This agreement is a significant indicator of the growing inbound foreign investments in Bangladesh. It is also a reflection of the strong economic foothold that Bangladesh is gaining in the global energy arena." "We are delighted to close the acquisition, strengthening the deeply rooted relationship with our group customer and thrilled to witness a large international player like SHV Energy acquiring domestic operations," he added. Bangladesh LPG market and Petromax Amid the abundance of local natural gas that the government has long been supplying through grid lines, Bangladesh LPG market had been scratching the surface till the early 2010s. As soon as the declining proven reserve of natural gas took over the discourses then, the government came up with its policy that prioritised LPG as cooking gas and in the last one decade, the LPG market has grown tenfold to over 13 lakh tonnes a year. The market is predicted to grow to 30 lakh tonnes by the end of 2030. Of the 26 LPG companies, 21 are already active in the market, including some joint ventures, such as Omera, Total Gas, Aygaz LPG, BM Gas, LAUGFS, Beximco LPG. Bashundrara, Omera, Jamuna, BM, JMI, Petromax are the leading players, who control around two-third of the market. Sena, JMI, Uni Gas, Delta LPG, Orion Gas, G-Gas, Bengal, Fresh, Navana are among the LPG brands backed by large local conglomerates. SHV Energy is planning to take over Petromax operations in September this year with an ambition to be the third largest player in the market, according to a July, 2022 media interview of Massih Niazi, CEO of SHV Energy Bangladesh.
  10. Bangladesh continues to persist as the top denim exporter to the USA. The recently released statistics by OTEXA showed that in H1 (January-June) of 2022 Bangladesh exported $445.50 million worth of apparel items. Witnessing a 57% growth in the period.OTEXA data showed that overall the USA imported $2 billion worth of denim in H1 ’22, recording a 42.62% annual growth.
  11. https://www.tbsnews.net/bangladesh/initiative-turn-savar-tannery-solid-waste-products-487730 TBS Report 31 August, 2022, 10:25 pm Last modified: 31 August, 2022, 10:25 pm Initiative to turn Savar tannery solid waste into products The Dhaka Tannery Industrial Estate Waste Treatment Plant Company Limited has initiated a plan to turn solid waste from the Savar Industrial Industry into saleable products. The treatment plant company, formed by the government in 2019 to manage waste from the tannery industry in Savar, has asked interested by-product manufacturers to submit applications to this end by 28 September 2022. Local-foreign joint ventures and companies with automated machinery will be prioritised in this regard, according to people familiar with the matter. Mostaque Ahmed, managing director of Dhaka Tannery Industrial Estate Waste Treatment Plant Company, told The Business Standard, "Solid waste is a threat to the environment but it is possible to produce by-products from this waste." Two types of waste are produced from leather processing in Savar—liquid and solid. The liquid waste ends up in rivers after being treated at the Central Effluent Treatment Plant, while the solid waste is dumped on open grounds. The industry produces 64000 tonnes of solid waste every year and has reached beyond the authorities' capacity to manage, resulting in unchecked mixing with river water. This is not the first time such recycling initiatives have been taken to manage the waste from the tanneries in Savar. "A few companies have shown interest in processing the [solid] waste before, but not much progress was made to that end. Now, we have decided to sell the waste at a lower price," said Mostaque Ahmed. According to experts, solid waste from raw leather processing can be used to make several by-products, including animal feed, biogas, compost fertiliser, gelatine, glue, leather fibre board, paper, wallets, bricks, and even tiles.
  12. https://www.dhakatribune.com/foreign-affairs/2022/09/01/bangladesh-brunei-highlight-air-shipping-connectivity-to-boost-ties Bangladesh, Brunei highlight air, shipping connectivity to boost ties The Brunei delegation expresses keenness to recruit more Bangladeshi workers in upcoming mega projects Bangladesh Brunei meeting at the second Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) between Bangladesh and Brunei Darussalam held in Bandar Seri Begawan on Wednesday UNB UNB August 31, 2022 10:21 PM Bangladesh and Brunei have stressed the importance of facilitating air and shipping connectivity for giving bilateral trade, investment, and people-to-people contact a boost. Bangladesh and Brunei agreed to facilitate greater collaboration and synergy between the private sectors and entrepreneurs of the two countries to fully harness the untapped potential. The issues were discussed at the second Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) between Bangladesh and Brunei Darussalam held in Bandar Seri Begawan on Wednesday. The consultations were co-chaired by Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen and Permanent Secretary of Brunei Darussalam Pengiran Norhashimah Binti Pengiran Mohd Hassan. Bangladesh High Commissioner Nahida Rahman was present at the meeting. The issue of energy cooperation prominently featured in the bilateral discussions in the context of the severe supply chain disruptions owing to the volatility and uncertainties caused by the pandemic and conflicts in different parts of the world, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two sides acknowledged the valuable contribution made by Bangladeshi migrant workers to both Bangladesh and Brunei. Expressing optimism for signing the proposed MoU on the recruitment of Bangladeshi human resources in Brunei at the earliest, Foreign Secretary Masud underscored the need for a safe, orderly and regular migration. Flagging the high demographic dividend Bangladesh is currently enjoying, he offered to send more Bangladeshi workers to Brunei for the mutual benefit of the two countries. The Brunei side expressed their keenness for recruiting more Bangladeshi workers in their upcoming mega projects. During the FOC, the whole spectrum of Bangladesh-Brunei bilateral relations came under discussion including cooperation in areas of migration, trade and commerce, investment, agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and livestock, health, connectivity, defense, energy, education, culture, youth, and sport, etc. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the existing level of bilateral engagements and reiterated their commitment to continued efforts to further expand the bilateral cooperation for mutual benefit in the days ahead. Applauding the fruitful and substantial talks, both sides also agreed on continuing the regular institutional engagement mechanisms to keep up the momentum in bilateral relations. While sharing Bangladesh’s preparedness for LDC graduation, Foreign Secretary Masud highlighted the tremendous socio-economic development in Bangladesh under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Foreign Secretary requested for continued international support, including from Brunei, for sustaining the development trajectory of Bangladesh in the post-graduation period. The Permanent Secretary of Brunei highly praised the socio-economic development of Bangladesh and congratulated Bangladesh for successfully qualifying for graduation from an LDC to a developing nation. Both sides agreed to further explore the potential for cooperation in the areas of food processing, ICT, shipbuilding, tourism, infrastructure development, pharmaceuticals and jute products, etc. Bangladesh sought Bruneian support for developing and promoting the Halal trade sector in Bangladesh. As the Foreign Secretary highlighted the Rohingya crisis and sought a more proactive Bruneian support for early repatriation of the forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals to their motherland, the Brunei side assured of all possible cooperation in this regard. Brunei also assured of their support in favour of Bangladesh’s candidacy for the ASEAN Sectoral Dialogue Partnership.
  13. https://www.dhakatribune.com/business/2022/08/31/experts-apparel-workers-still-far-from-earning-a-living-wage Experts: Apparel workers still far from earning a living wage Monthly income of RMG workers increased by 1.7% in March 2022 while their expenditure increased by 9.5% due to inflation Saddam Hossain August 31, 2022 8:03 PM Apparel workers are far from earning a living wage still, said experts on Wednesday. “Workers are not earning a minimum wage while inflation has driven up prices of everything from food, goods and services,” said Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). They also called for a new wage board commission at “Debate on recent export growth and decent employment in RMG industry: A UNGP’s perspective,” jointly organized by Christian Aid and Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) at Brac Center in the capital. In the keynote presentation, CPD Research Director Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem said that the apparel export witnessed high growth last year. However, during this period, they found workers were getting minimum wages and not living wages. He also mentioned that during a survey, they found that workers were paid Tk11,993 on average, excluding overtime in March 2022, which was 12.5% higher than the same month of the previous year. Moazzem also said that the growth of a worker’s family income is much lower than the growth of family expenditure. He further explained that the monthly income of RMG workers increased by 1.7% in March 2022 while their expenditure increased by 9.5% due to inflation Mohammad Hatem, executive president of the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA), said that it is true that there are currently a number of contractual workers in the RMG sector. “A number of contractual workers earn more than official workers. So, they are reluctant to go under official employment,” he added. Regarding trade unions, he said that they have no issues in forming trade unions. Freedom of association exists in the sector. “We always welcome the actual trade unions which serve the interests of the workers and factories,” he added, saying that day-care centers exist in most factories. He said that they are also against the establishment of non-compliance factories. “The sector experiences robust growth but a decline in profit margins as the price of cotton, raw materials, and transportation costs saw abnormal hikes in price,” he added. He also said that there are some issues regarding getting fair prices from the brands. Shahidullah Azim, vice-president of the BGMEA said that they should work together for a living wage. “Labour leaders should negotiate with buyers to pay more for a living wage to workers. Otherwise, factory owners will not be able to pay that alone,” he added. Regarding robust growth in the last few months, he said that government policies and incentives during the pandemic, factories that remained operational during lockdowns while maintaining health guidelines helped them gain this growth. “There are still many issues in this sector, but also room to work together. We have to work together under global standards,” he added, saying that efficiency and upscaling must be ensured for both women and male workers. During an open discussion, Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity Executive Director Kalpona Akhter said if they talk about a living wage for workers that should be at least Tk32,000 to Tk40,000, saying that: “We are not getting the minimum wage yet.” Montu Gosh, president of the Garment Workers Trade Union Center said that workers failed to meet their daily needs, as essential commodities are not within their reach. He also requested the government to form a new minimum wage commission to rationalize workers’ wages, otherwise, it might create a big challenge for workers. During the program, CPD Chairman Professor Rehman Sobhan said that the government should focus on workers' skill development. He also suggested taking proper initiatives to take advantage of the US-China conflict. Due to the crisis, many US buyers are shifting from China and Bangladesh should be fully prepared in terms of production and export capacity. He is also suggested to take initiative to get a GSP+ facility in the European Union (EU) market after LDC graduation. In his speech as the chief guest, Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi said that the RMG sector has excellent growth, but it is yet to be confirmed whether the growth will sustain or not. The growth tendency has already declined. Regarding trade unions, he said: “Trade union is important and we want it. But the unions' leaders have to understand that their responsibility is to protect worker rights and keep factories operational uninterruptedly,” he added. He also said that everyone has to work together to make the RMG sector compliant and workers-friendly, saying that the industry is like a bicycle where owners and workers are two wheels. The RMG sector has success stories but also room for improvement. “The stakeholders associated with the sector are positive and want development. So, by discussing with all parties, we have to find out problems and the way forward,” he added. The survey was prepared by CPD Research Director Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Research Assistance Tamim Ahmed while CPD Executive Director Fahmida Khatun presided over the program.
  14. https://www.dhakatribune.com/economy/2022/08/31/pri-bangladeshs-exports-can-rise-more-than-7-if-logistics-costs-go-down PRI: Bangladesh's exports can rise more than 7% if logistics costs go down Exports in every sector can be improved if the bureaucratic complexities reformed, says Salman F Rahman Meraj Mavis August 31, 2022 7:37 PM By reducing domestic logistics costs by 17% it is possible to increase Bangladesh's exports by 7.4%, however, 35% of products get damaged in ports due to infrastructural deficiencies, experts said on Wednesday. They were speaking at a roundtable “Improving trade facilitation for export competitiveness: Progress, Lessons and policy priorities for Bangladesh” organized by Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRI). Salman Fazlur Rahman, adviser to the prime minister for private industry and investment, was present as chief guest. On export diversification, Salman F Rahman said that although the readymade garment (RMG) sector is successful in exporting, other sectors were facing many hurdles. Export from every sector of the country could increase if bureaucratic complexities were reformed. There have been changes in the bureaucratic mindset at the top level, but prevailed at the ground level, he also said. “The prime minister (Sheikh Hasina) asked several times why other export sectors were not as successful as the RMG industry. That is because people from other sectors say that they are not getting benefits like RMG. We have to seriously focus on other sectors like we have on RMG exports," Rahman also said. “To increase exports, port facilities should be increased. The capacity of Chittagong Port will be increased further. Work is underway on the proposed deep sea port in Matarbari. Once these are done, exports can be further increased. Now I am working on how to bring more investment in the local private and foreign private sector,” he informed. In his keynote presentation Policy Exchange Bangladesh (PEB) chairman Masrur Reaz said that gains from trade were highly relevant to Bangladesh's development trajectory and aspirations. High-quality products, services and input results in good exposure and improves technical capacity. Having access to a larger market incentivizes firms to invest in R&D and foster innovation, he also said. Trade Facilitation (TF) emerges as a critical driver of trade competitiveness. It helps ensure predictability of operations and thus contribute to the competitiveness of a country, he also said. “Lower middle and developing countries stand to benefit more. Vietnam’s spectacular export-led growth success hugely benefited from its improvements in TF, Reaz also pointed out. “Boosting TF will be crucial to attaining Bangladesh’s development priorities and growth aspirations. We are doing well in RMG, but when it comes to the non-RMG sectors then we have lots of opportunities to boost our export income," the PEB chairman also said. “If we look upon the share of non-RMG exports against other Asian Countries then we see that in agriculture and ICT sectors our growth is very low," he observed. Zaidi Sattar, PRI chairman, said that after losing two decades to prevarication and lack of direction in trade policy, in the 1990s Bangladesh chose to pursue the development policy of export-oriented trade. This was done by switching from overwhelmingly inward-looking import-substituting trade policy to outward-looking export-oriented trade policy by liberalizing trade, rationalizing and reducing tariffs and quantitative restrictions, moving from fixed to flexible exchange rates, adopting partial convertibility of current account, together with supporting market-oriented reforms like de-regulation of investment and the like, the economist also pointed out. As a result of the switch to trade openness Bangladesh was described as a “globalizer” among developing economies. Trade-GDP ratio shot up from 19% in FY90 to 38% in the next 15 years, peaking at 49% in FY11. However, trade growth did not keep up with growth of nominal GDP; consequently, trade-GDP ratio has been sliding down reaching 30% in FY21, said Sattar. “Make no mistake, Bangladesh’s global integration is not just limited to trade in goods. A big chunk of our trade lies in export of factor services, such as services of our migrant workers, under the auspices of WTO’s general agreement on trade in services (GATS)," he also said. That brings in copious amounts of remittance income in foreign exchange to finance our bulging import bill. Trade facilitation improvement therefore must cover not only goods trade, but also the rising trade in non-factor services, such as ICT, financial services including digital and electronic transactions, and factor services, i.e. generating remittance of migrant workers, he added. Abdul Mannan Shikder, member VAT (Implementation and IT) at the National Board of Revenue, said: "We have many projects in hand, in which the World Bank is supporting us. There are bond management projects that are taking off very well.” Asif Ibrahim, director of BGMEA and chairman of Chittagong Stock Exchange, said: “We are facing many problems in customs when it comes to bonded warehouse issues. When we want to introduce a new product in bonded warehouses, we always face problems.” Ahsan H Mansur, executive director, PRI, Selma Rasavac, manager, Creating Markets Advisory, IFC, Md Hafizur Rahman, additional secretary (director general), WTO Cell Ministry of Commerce, Habibullah N Karim, vice president, MCCI, MD & CEO, Technohaven Company Ltd, and others were also present.
  15. https://www.thedailystar.net/business/news/bida-us-venture-capital-firm-work-together-attract-fdi-3107906 Bida, US venture capital firm to work together to attract FDI Star Business Report Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:13 PM Last update on: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:16 PM The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (Bida) has joined hands with US-based venture capital firm Anchorless Bangladesh to attract and facilitate targeted global investments and jointly promote investment opportunities in Bangladesh and abroad. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in this regard at a programme at Bida's head office in Dhaka's Agargaon today. The MoU includes provisions for attracting high-value technology and high-impact investments in key priority sectors and provide support and advisory related to FDI and equity investment. "The Bida is strongly focused on building strategic partnerships that will allow us to access investor communities in our target markets for foreign direct investment and equity investment," said Bida Executive Chairman Md Sirazul Islam. "Bida and Anchorless Bangladesh will work together to design investment outreach that is targeted, customised and therefore more effective." "We at Anchorless strongly believe that Bangladesh is one of the best investment opportunities in the world with an incredible story to be told and we look forward to working with Bida to do so," said Rahat Ahmed, founding partner and CEO of Anchorless Bangladesh.
  16. https://bonikbarta.net/home/news_description/311884 বাংলাদেশকে ৩০০ কোটি ডলার দেবে দক্ষিণ কোরিয়া বণিক বার্তা অনলাইন আগস্ট ৩১, ২০২২ দক্ষিণ কোরিয়া আগামী পাঁচ বছরে বাংলাদেশকে ৩০০ কোটি ডলার সহায়তা দেবে বলে জানিয়েছেন দেশটির রাষ্ট্রদূত লি-জ্যাং কিউন। তিনি জানান, বাংলাদেশ ও দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ার মধ্যে গতবছর রেকর্ড পরিমাণ বাণিজ্য হয়েছে। আজ বুধবার ডিপ্লোমেটিক করেসপন্ডেন্ট অ্যাসোসিয়েশন, বাংলাদেশ আয়োজিত ডিক্যাব টকে তিনি এ কথা জানান। বাংলাদেশে নিযুক্ত রাষ্ট্রদূত বলেন, গত বছর দুদেশের মধ্যে দ্বিপক্ষীয় বাণিজ্য হয়েছে ২৩০ কোটি ডলার। এর আগে রেকর্ড বাণিজ্য হয়েছিল ২০১১ সালে এবং ওই বছর বাণিজ্য হয়েছিল ১৮০ কোটি ডলার। কভিড ও বৈশ্বিক পরিস্থিতির মধ্যেও এ বছর জুলাই পর্যন্ত দুই দেশের মধ্যে বাণিজ্য হয়েছে ১৮০ কোটি ডলার এবং এটি অত্যন্ত উৎসাহব্যঞ্জক। তিনি বলেন, দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ায় এ বছর বাংলাদেশ থেকে ৪ হাজারেরও বেশি কর্মী যাবে। আরো বাংলাদেশী কর্মী পাঠাতে আগ্রহী।গত বছর সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে আবার পাঠানো শুরু করেছি। চলতি বছর জানুয়ারি-আগস্ট পর্যন্ত বাংলাদেশ থেকে ৩ হাজারেরও বেশি কর্মী গিয়েছেন। লি-জ্যাং কিউন বলেন, কোরিয়াতে এখন ১০ হাজার বাংলাদেশী কর্মী আছেন। কোরিয়ায় বাংলাদেশী জনশক্তি কম হলেও বাংলাদেশে রেমিট্যান্স প্রেরণে কোরিয়া ১০ নম্বর অবস্থানে। রাষ্ট্রদূত বলেন, দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ার সহযোগিতায় ঢাকায় একটি টেকনিক্যাল ইনস্টিটিউট আছে। এখন আমরা সিলেট ও খুলনায় আরো দুটি খোলার চিন্তা করছি।
  17. https://www.tbsnews.net/economy/banking/bb-instructs-expats-sell-foreign-currencies-worth-over-10000-487614 TBS Report 31 August, 2022, 08:10 pm Last modified: 31 August, 2022, 08:15 pm BB instructs expats to sell foreign currencies worth over $10,000 Progress to improve cross-border payments has been slow, but is just about to take off. Photo: Collected Expatriate Bangladeshis can keep a maximum of $10,000 or equivalent in foreign currencies brought from abroad and have been instructed to sell the excess amount according to a new directive issued by the central bank. The Bangladesh Bank on Wednesday (31 August) made it mandatory to convert foreign currencies worth over $10,000 from authorised dealer banks or licensed money changers to taka within one month of returning from abroad. In the issued press release, the central bank also encouraged expatriates to keep the extra amount in resident foreign currency deposits. It also said that keeping foreign currency worth over $10,000 is a punishable offense under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. The central bank warned of taking legal actions against those who are unwilling to sell the excess foreign currencies by 30 September.
  18. https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/trade/survey-finds-over-29pc-rmg-factories-paid-extra-money-to-qualify-for-compliance-standards-1661946256 Survey finds over 29pc RMG factories paid extra money to qualify for compliance standards FE ONLINE REPORT | Published: August 31, 2022 17:44:17 | Updated: August 31, 2022 20:40:11 Over 29 per cent of the readymade garment factories surveyed had to pay inspectors additional money to be eligible for compliant ones, a joint study has revealed. “The survey found that, during the high export growth period (September 2021 to March 2022), overall, 29.3 per cent of the surveyed factories had to pay additional money to the inspector to be eligible as compliant factories, which is illegal,” read the findings of the study. It also revealed that several new subcontracting factories were set up to meet a higher volume of export orders, and child and juvenile workers are being hired in these factories to offset workforce shortage. The findings of the study titled ‘Debate on Recent Export Growth and Decent Employment in RMG Industry: A UNGPs Perspective’ by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Christian Aid (CA) were shared on Wednesday at a dialogue held at the BRAC Centre Inn in the capital. Some 1,244 workers and a total of 51 factories, with 12 mean years of operation, located in Dhaka and adjacent areas including Savar, Narayanganj and Gazipur were surveyed. Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi was present as chief guest at the event chaired by CPD’s Executive Director Dr Fahmida Khatun. Research director of CPD Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem presented the survey results. Responding to the findings, Khaled Mamun Chowdhury, director general of the Department of Labour, said they had taken action against three inspectors allegedly involved in the bribery. Five inspectors were transferred and departmental measures have been taken against two others, while one would be suspended, he informed.
  19. https://www.dhakatribune.com/business/2022/08/28/hsbc-recognised-as-market-leader-in-corporate-banking-esg-and-csr-in-bangladesh HSBC completes acquisition finance in the Bangladesh LPG sector The landmark agreement was initiated and signed between SHV Energy and Petromax on June 23 and followed up by successful closure on August 22 Tribune Desk August 31, 2022 3:42 PM HSBC Bangladesh successfully supported inbound investment in the LPG sector in Bangladesh, facilitating SHV Energy to take over 100% of Petromax (LPG and Cylinder). The landmark agreement was initiated and signed between SHV Energy and Petromax on June 23 and followed up by successful closure on August 22, reads a press release. SHV Energy, is a family-owned Dutch Multinational Company, located in twenty-four-five countries across four continents and aims to “make clean and safe energy options accessible and affordable to as many customers and companies as possible”. SHV believes in the untapped high-growth potential of the Bangladesh LPG market as the country is slowly transitioning to cleaner fuels like LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) from the current scenario of widely used polluting fuels. Petromax is a relatively new yet already one of the key players in this growing LPG market. The structuring is a significant landmark for HSBC Bangladesh due to the scale of this acquisition in Bangladesh, both in terms of global business and domestic social impact. Regarding this milestone acquisition, the CEO of HSBC Bangladesh Md Mahbub ur Rahman said: “We are delighted to close the acquisition, strengthening the deeply rooted relationship with our group customer and thrilled to witness a large international player like SHV Energy acquiring domestic operations. This agreement is a significant indicator of the growing inbound foreign investments in Bangladesh. It is also a reflection of the strong economic foothold that Bangladesh is gaining in the global energy arena.”
  20. https://thefinancialexpress.com.bd/trade/chinese-firm-cccc-tipped-for-toll-collection-of-bangabandhu-tunnel-1661950646 Chinese firm CCCC tipped for toll collection of Bangabandhu Tunnel Published: August 31, 2022 18:57:27 Chinese firm, China Communication Construction Company Limited (CCCCL) will be appointed as a service provider for the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel under Karnaphuli River in Chattagram. Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) at a meeting approved a proposal in this regard on Wednesday. The same company has been engaged by the government to build the tunnel and its associated infrastructure, reports UNB. As per the proposal, the Chinese company will collect the toll from the tunnel user vehicles and also conduct its operation and maintenance work at a cost of Tk 9.83 billion for a five-year tenure. However, the toll structure for the vehicles has yet not been determined by the government. The under-construction Tunnel is the first underwater expressway in the country, expected to be open to traffic by the end of 2022. According to officials of the project, 86 per cent of the tunnel construction, including the construction of the main tunnel and the approach roads in Chattogram, has been completed. The main tunnel is 3.32 kilometres long. It has two tubes, each 2.45 km long, and has a diameter of 10.80 metres. Each tube will consist of two lanes. The tubes are 12 metres apart from each other. There will be a 5.35 km connecting road on the west and east ends of the main tunnel, along with a 727-metre long bridge. The tunnel goes under the Karnaphuli at the Patenga Naval Academy point in the port city to a depth of 18m to 31m to Anwara Upazila on the other side of the river. Officials believe there will be better connectivity between the tourist city Cox’s Bazar, southern Chattogram and the rest of the country once the tunnel is open. It will also decrease the number of vehicles using the two bridges over the river. South of the river in Anwara lies the Korean and Chinese export processing zones, the CUFL factory and Parki Beach. All routes to Cox's Bazar, Banshkhali and Matarbari power station and deep seaport go through Anwara. Work on the project began in December 2017. But the pace of work was a bit slow during the coronavirus pandemic. The official said the construction of the two tubes of the tunnel under the river has already been completed. The first tube took 17 months to complete, but the second one was completed in 10 months. Structural work on the tunnel is currently ongoing. Jointly funded by Bangladesh and China, the initial cost of the project was estimated at Tk 9880 crore. The cost was subsequently revised up to Tk 103.74 billion.
  21. https://www.tbsnews.net/bangla/অর্থনীতি/news-details-108322 জসীম উদ্দীন & সালাহ উদ্দিন মাহমুদ 31 August, 2022, 12:05 am Last modified: 31 August, 2022, 12:14 am সৌদিতে ৩৫ বিলিয়ন ডলারের রপ্তানি বাজার ধরতে চায় বাংলাদেশ এ বাজারে সিরামিক, ফার্মাসিউটিক্যাল ও প্লাস্টিক পণ্যেরও ভালো চাহিদা রয়েছে। আর এক্ষেত্রে ঢাকা’র বাণিজ্য ৩০০ মিলিয়ন ডলারেরও কম। সাতটি সম্ভাবনাময় পণ্য নিয়ে সৌদি আরবের বাজার ধরতে চাইছে বাংলাদেশ। এগুলোর মধ্যে রয়েছে- খাবার ও বেভারেজ, পোশাক, পাট ও চামড়াজাত পণ্য ইত্যাদি। সৌদি আরব এ পণ্যগুলো বর্তমানে বিশ্ববাজার থেকে কিনতে বার্ষিক ৩৫ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার খরচ করে। এ বাজারে সিরামিক, ফার্মাসিউটিক্যাল, ও প্লাস্টিক পণ্যেরও ভালো চাহিদা রয়েছে। আর এক্ষেত্রে ঢাকা'র বাণিজ্য ৩০০ মিলিয়ন ডলারেরও কম। এ লক্ষ্যকে সামনে রেখে, আগামী ৬-৮ অক্টোবর রিয়াদে প্রথমবারের মতো অনুষ্ঠেয় 'বাণিজ্য ও বিনিয়োগ মেলা-২০২২'-এ নিজের সক্ষমতা জানান দিতে চায় ঢাকা। সম্প্রতি রপ্তানি উন্নয়ন ব্যুরো'র (ইপিবি) এক চিঠিতে এসব তথ্য জানা গেছে। বাংলাদেশে কিছু নতুন বিনিয়োগ আনাও এ প্রদর্শনীর আরেকটি উদ্দেশ্য থাকবে। এভাবে বিভিন্ন দেশে প্রদর্শনীর আয়োজন করে ইপিবি চাচ্ছে নতুন নতুন বাজারের অনুসন্ধান চালাতে এবং যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নের (ইইউ) ওপর নির্ভরতা কমাতে। একইভাবে নতুন বাজারের সন্ধানে নেমেছে বাংলাদেশ পোশাক প্রস্তুত ও রপ্তানিকারক সমিতি (বিজিএমইএ)। তার অংশ হিসেবে আগামী বছর চীন, জাপান, ও দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ায় বাণিজ্য বৃদ্ধি করার উদ্দেশ্যে এ দেশগুলোতে প্রদর্শনীর আয়োজন করবে। বিজিএমইএ-এর আরও উদ্দেশ্য হলো- ২০৩০ সালের মধ্যে ১০০ বিলিয়ন রপ্তানি আদেশের লক্ষ্যমাত্রায় পৌঁছানো। ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ট্রেড সেন্টার (আইটিসি)-এর উপাত্ত অনুযায়ী, ২০২১ সালে সৌদি আরবের আমদানি ছিল ১৫২.৩৪ ডলার। দেশটিতে চীন সবচেয়ে বেশি রপ্তানি করে থাকে, যার পরিমাণ ৩১.০৭ বিলিয়ন ডলার। এরপরে রয়েছে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাত, ভারত, ও জার্মানি। অন্যদিকে ইপিবি'র তথ্য অনুযায়ী, ২০২১-২২ অর্থবছরে বাংলাদেশ রপ্তানি করেছে কেবল ২৯০ মিলিয়ন ডলার। এর মধ্যে পোশাক রপ্তানি ছিল ১৪৪ মিলিয়ন ডলার। ২০২টি রপ্তানি গন্তব্যের মধ্যে সৌদি আরব বাংলাদেশের ২৪তম বড় রপ্তানি গন্তব্য। একইসাথে সৌদি আরব দেশের পোশাকখাতের ২৬তম বৃহৎ রপ্তানি গন্তব্য। তবে রপ্তানিকারকরা বলছেন, ইপিবি'র উপাত্তে সৌদি আরবে বাংলাদেশের রপ্তানির প্রকৃত তথ্য নেই। তাদের ধারণা, রপ্তানির অংক বাস্তবে আরও উচ্চ। তারা বলছেন, ব্যক্তিউদ্যোগেও কার্গো বা ব্যাগেজের মাধ্যমে সৌদি আরবে ভালো পরিমাণ পণ্য যায় বাংলাদেশ থেকে। অনানুষ্ঠানিক এ রপ্তানি প্রক্রিয়ায় পণ্যের মূল্য না পাওয়ার ঝুঁকিও থাকে। দ্য বিজনেস স্ট্যান্ডার্ড-এর সঙ্গে এক আলাপচারিতায় বিকেএমইএ-এর নির্বাহী সভাপতি মোহাম্মদ হাতেম বলেন, 'পূর্ণ সম্ভাবনা কাজে লাগানো যায়নি এমন একটি সম্ভাব্য বাজারের সন্ধানে আমরা সৌদি আরবের এ প্রদর্শনীতে যোগ দিতে যাচ্ছি।' বর্তমানে, বাংলাদেশি পোশাক প্রস্তুতকারীরা সৌদিভিত্তিক কিছু বাংলাদেশি বিক্রেতার মাধ্যমে রপ্তানি করছে। তাদের বেশিরভাগই রপ্তানিকারকদের সাথে প্রতারণা করে। বিষয়টি উল্লেখ করে তিনি আরও বলেন, বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রে তারা অনানুষ্ঠানিকভাবে ব্যবসা করায় রপ্তানিকারকদের দাম আদায়ের কোনো উপায় থাকে না। এই প্রদর্শনী সৌদি আরবের খুচরা বিক্রেতাদের সাথে সরাসরি ব্যবসার নতুন সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করবে বলে আশাপ্রকাশ করেন তিনি। বিজিএমইএ সহ-সভাপতি শহীদুল্লাহ আজিম জানান, তাদের ১৫ সদস্যের এই প্রদর্শনীতে যোগ দেওয়ার কথা রয়েছে। সৌদি উপসাগরীয় দেশগুলোয় প্রভাবশালী হওয়ায় প্রদর্শনীটি এ অঞ্চলের অন্যান্য বাজারে প্রবেশের সুযোগ তৈরি করবে। বেশিরভাগ পোশাক পণ্য চীন, ভারত, তুরস্কসহ অন্যান্য উৎস থেকে কেনে সৌদি আরব। 'বিশ্ববাজারে দ্বিতীয় বৃহৎ পোশাক রপ্তানিকারক হওয়ার পরও, এ বাজারে আমাদের অংশগ্রহণ খুবই সীমিত'- উল্লেখ করেন আজিম। তিনি বলছিলেন, সরকারি উদ্যোগের অভাবের কারণে এই বাজারে একটি বিশাল সুযোগ এখনও অব্যবহৃত। এটি অন্যান্য রপ্তানি পণ্য যেমন হোম টেক্সটাইল, কৃষি পণ্য, চামড়াজাত পণ্য, পাট এবং সিরামিকের জন্যও একটি বড় বাজার হবে। আরবীয় ঐতিহ্যবাহী পোশাকগুলিও উচ্চ মূল্যের পণ্য। তাই এবারের সরকারি উদ্যোগটি কমপক্ষে ৫ - ৬ বিলিয়ন ডলারের বাজার অংশীদারিত্ব প্রতিষ্ঠায় সহায়ক হবে বলে মনে করছেন আজিম। শহীদুল্লাহ আজিম বলেন, 'বিকল্প বাজার হিসেবে এরমধ্যেই আমরা এশিয়ার দেশগুলোতে রপ্তানিতে ভালো প্রবৃদ্ধির মুখ দেখছি'। নতুন ক্রেতা খুঁজতে এবং সম্ভাব্য নতুন বাজারগুলি থেকে আয় বাড়ানোর জন্য, দেশের পোশাক রপ্তানিকারকরা এই বছরের নভেম্বরে দুবাইতে আরেকটি প্রদর্শনীতে অংশগ্রহণ করবেন। জাবের অ্যান্ড জুবায়ের ফেব্রিক্স লিমিটেড (হোম) এর নির্বাহী পরিচালক (বিপণন) রাশেদ মোশারফ জানান, তারা সৌদি আরব এবং অন্যান্য উপসাগরীয় দেশে তাদের নিজস্ব খুচরা বিক্রেতার মাধ্যমে ব্যবসা করছেন। দুবাই ভিত্তিক বৃহত্তম খুচরা বিক্রেতাদের মধ্যে অন্যতম- ল্যান্ডমার্ক গ্রুপ। প্রতিষ্ঠানটি এই বাজারেও ভালো ব্যবসা করছে। তিনি বলেন, জাবের এবং জুবায়ের এই খুচরা বিক্রেতার জন্য তাদের কয়েকটি ব্র্যান্ড - ম্যাক্স, হোমসেন্টার, বেবিশপ এবং হোমবক্সের পণ্য প্রস্তুত করে থাকে। বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বড় কৃষি-ভিত্তিক পণ্য রপ্তানিকারক প্রাণ গ্রুপের ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক ইলিয়াস মৃধা বলেন, 'আমরা উপসাগরীয় দেশগুলিতে ভালো ব্যবসা করছি। বেশিরভাগ পণ্য যাচ্ছে- সৌদি আরব, সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাত, কাতার ও লেবাননে। এ বাজারে তাদের দুই অঙ্কের বার্ষিক প্রবৃদ্ধি হচ্ছে উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, প্রাণের মোট রপ্তানির ৩০ ভাগই উপসাগরীয় দেশগুলিতে যায়। ২০২১-২২ অর্থবছরে ৫৩২ মিলিয়ন ডলারের পণ্য রপ্তানি করেছে প্রাণ-আরএফএল। ২০২৫ সাল নাগাদ ১০০ কোটি ডলার রপ্তানির লক্ষ্য রয়েছে তাদের। উপসাগরীয় দেশগুলোতে ১০ বিলিয়ন ডলারের তৈরি পোশাকের বাজার এখনও অব্যবহৃত উপসাগরীয় দেশগুলির সাথে কূটনৈতিক সুসম্পর্ক থাকার পরও সরকার এবং বেসরকারি খাতের উদ্যোগের অভাবে বাংলাদেশ ১০ বিলিয়ন ডলারের পোশাকের বাজার থেকে বঞ্চিত হচ্ছে। গালফ কো-অপারেশন কাউন্সিল–সৌদি আরব, সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাত, কাতার, ওমান, কুয়েত ও বাহরাইনের মতো উপসাগরীয় আরব দেশগুলির রাজনৈতিক ও অর্থনৈতিক জোট। ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ট্রেড সেন্টারের তথ্যমতে, ২০২০ সালে সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাত বিশ্ববাজার থেকে প্রায় ৪৪০ কোটি ডলার মূল্যের পোশাক পণ্য কিনেছে। সৌদি আরব কেনে ৩.০১ বিলিয়ন, কুয়েত ১.১৩, কাতার ৬৬০ মিলিয়ন, ওমান ৬০৮ মিলিয়ন এবং বাহরাইন ২৭৪ মিলিয়ন ডলারের পোশাক পণ্য। ইপিবির তথ্যানুসারে, এই অঞ্চলে বর্তমানে মাত্র ৩৬৭.৪৯ মিলিয়ন ডলারের পণ্য রপ্তানি করছে বাংলাদেশ। তবে বাংলাদেশ উদ্যোগী হলে, সংযুক্ত আরব আমিরাতের বার্ষিক চাহিদার ৫%, সৌদির ৪ শতাংশ এবং বাকি দেশগুলোর ১ শতাংশেরও কম চাহিদা মেটাতে পারবে বলে জানিয়েছে ব্যুরো। এর আগে বিজিএমইএ সভাপতি ফারুক হাসান বলেছিলেন, উপসাগরীয় অঞ্চল ও মধ্যপ্রাচ্যে বাংলাদেশের পোশাক রপ্তানির বিশাল সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে, যথাযথ উদ্যোগের অভাবে এই বাজারের বড় অংশই দীর্ঘদিন ধরে অব্যবহৃত রয়েছে। 'বাণিজ্য ও পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের সাথে যৌথভাবে আমরা এসব বাজারের সম্ভাবনা খুঁজে বের করার পরিকল্পনা করছি'- যোগ করেন তিনি।
  22. https://www.dhakatribune.com/parliament/2022/08/30/icddrb-bill-placed-in-parliament icddr,b bill placed in parliament As per the bill, the institution would be an autonomous, international, philanthropic and nonprofit centre for research, education and training as well as clinical service UNB August 30, 2022 6:33 PM The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh Act, 2022 was placed in parliament on Tuesday in order to repeal the military regime ordinance on the icddr,b in line with a verdict of the higher court. Health Minister Zahid Maleque placed the bill and it was sent to the respective standing committee for further examination. The committee was asked to submit its report within one month. As per the bill, the institution would be an autonomous, international, philanthropic and nonprofit centre for research, education and training as well as clinical service. The headquarters of the centre would be in Dhaka. The centre may establish its branches any place in the country subject to the approval of the respective governments. The bill said that there will be a board consisting of 12-17 members. Of them, four will be nominated by the government, a member nominated by the World Health Organization, a member to be nominated by a United Nations agency, 5-10 members nominated by the board and executive director of the centre. At any given time, no country shall have more than two members except for Bangladesh. All members will be appointed for three years and it can be extended for one time. No member can be appointed for more than six years. The centre shall be administered by a director who shall be selected and appointed by the board for a term of three years which may be renewable for another term. The centre shall have its own fund which shall consist of grants made by the government, grants and contributions from other governments and their agencies, international organizations and private organizations, gifts and endowments, sale proceeds and royalties of publications, income from research and contractual undertakings; and other sources. All funds of the centre shall be kept in any scheduled bank or banks in Bangladesh as approved by the board. The centre shall be exempted from the labour laws in force in the country. It shall be governed by its own by-laws as may be prescribed. The centre shall not be liable to pay any tax, rate or duty other than those paid by any other person in respect of any movable or immovable property which the centre purchases or otherwise acquires from such person and other than those payable in respect of public utilities like water, gas, electricity, telephone and municipal rates. All non-Bangladeshi experts, technicians and research scholars employed by the centre and working in Bangladesh for the furtherance of the objectives of the centre shall be exempt from paying income tax.
  23. https://www.dhakatribune.com/business/2022/08/30/light-engineering-products-to-boost-bangladesh-export-basket Light engineering products to boost Bangladesh export basket According to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), domestic manufacturing companies earned USD $ 16.80 crore from bicycle exports in the FY 2021-22, an increase of 28.31% from the previous fiscal year UNB August 30, 2022 5:27 PM As Bangladesh seeks to diversify its export basket the focus has been on engineering products and bicycles, which have high demand in the international market. The government has taken several development projects aimed at developing the sectors to meet growing global demand, officials related to the sector said. Bangladesh already exports a significant portion of such products to Europe and African markets. According to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), domestic manufacturing companies earned USD $ 16.80 crore from bicycle exports in the FY 2021-22, an increase of 28.31% from the previous fiscal year. The Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and the National Investment Board estimate that 40,000 small and medium enterprises are running in this sector, providing direct benefit to about 80 lakh people. Around 400 registered entrepreneurs have set up light engineering industries and related factories in lands provided by Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC). The government has also declared the light industry an important sector. Bangladeshi entrepreneurs are making world-class bicycles and light engineering products, which have high demand in Europe and Africa. The price of a Bangladeshi bicycle is between Tk 5000 to Tk 2 lakh. Bangladesh exports bicycle mostly to Germany, Denmark, the UK, the Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, and Bulgaria. The country's bicycle export markets have also diversified to countries like Congo, Gabon, and Ivory Coast in South Africa apart from Europe through Red, Feral, and Inigo brands. The light engineering industries are producing iron castings, bicycles, electronic products, engineering instruments, conductor cables, and stainless steel products. Meeting the domestic demand, the export income from this sector reached $51 crore in the last FY22. This sector received export income of $31.1 crore in FY 2009-10, in the FY 2010-11 $30.1, in the FY 2011-12 $37.5 crore, FY 2012-13 $36.7 crore, in FY 2013-14 earned $44.7 crore from the light engineering sector. The government wants to develop this sector by implementing the project 'Development of light engineering sector and creation of facilities for e-waste processing. Bangladesh Council of Science and Industrial Research (BCSIR) is implementing the project. The objective of the project is to deliver the services of the light and medium engineering sector of the country to the doorsteps of people. Light Engineering Development Center at Chittagong and Materials Center at Rajshahi and Savar Leather Research Center will be set up under the project. Chief Scientific Officer of BCSIR Abdul Gafur told UNB that bicycles have come a long way as an export product. The product is now being exported abroad to meet the needs of the country. Apart from this, iron castings, electronics products, engineering instruments, conductor wires, and stainless steel products are also exported, he said. Since this is a labour-intensive sector initiatives are being taken further develop the workers’ skills to make the products competitive. “Light engineering is now a promising sector. We are trying to improve this sector. More support will be given to those involved in it. That is why the project volume is being expanded,” he said. President of Bangladesh Engineering Industry Owners Association (BEIOA) Abdur Razzak told UNB that the exports rebounded in the FY2021 from three years of falling shipments. In FY 2021-22 Bangladesh earned a record $51 crore from exporting light engineering products, he said. "We are hopeful of getting a boost in export in the coming days as the SMEs and micro-industries are trying hard to modernise their enterprises and produce quality products for the global market," he added.
  24. Bangladeshi edtech startup ‘Shikho’ has made it to “Forbes Asia 100 to watch 2022” list. Shikho was founded in 2019 with the goal of revolutionizing learning in Bangladesh by creating a hyper-localized digital learning ecosystem. The startup's mission is to democratize access to high-quality education for students across the country. They have raised $5.6 million in funding since their inception – the most for any EdTech in the country – from international venture investors from Silicon Valley and Singapore. In only 20 months, Shikho's Learning App has surpassed 600,000 downloads on the Google Play Store. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesasiateam/2022/08/29/forbes-asia-100-to-watch-2022/?sh=630b8fbedf33
  25. https://www.tbsnews.net/bangladesh/universal-pension-scheme-bill-placed-parliament-486214 UNB 29 August, 2022, 08:40 pm Last modified: 29 August, 2022, 08:44 pm Universal pension scheme bill placed in parliament A bill aimed at bringing the country's growing elderly population under a universal pension scheme was introduced in the parliament on Monday. Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal placed the Universal Pension Management Bill, 2022 in the House. It was later sent to the respective scrutiny committee for further examination. The committee was asked to submit its report within two months. All Bangladeshi nationals aged from 18 to 50 years can participate in this pension scheme. The expatriate Bangladeshis are also eligible to the benefits. The Finance Division has prepared the draft of bill seeking to bring the growing elderly population under a sustainable social safety net. This will particularly benefit the elderly population when they become jobless or become afflicted with diseases, paralysis, old age or other similar conditions, or extreme poverty amid high life expectancy rate. As per the draft law, a person will have to provide premium for at least 10 years to get pension from the age of 60 until the death. If an elderly person dies before the age 75 years, the nominee will get the pension for the remaining time. However, the amount of premium will be determined by a rule under the proposed law. According to the proposed law, there will be a five-member national pension authority headed by a chairman and also a 15-member governing body with the finance minister as its chair. The government will appoint the chairman and the other four members. Finance Minister will be the chairman of the governing body where the other members will be the Bangladesh Bank governor, finance secretary, financial institutions division secretary, NBR chairman, social welfare secretary, secretary of woman and child affairs ministry, expatriate welfare and overseas employment secretary, labour and employment secretary, post and telecommunication division secretary, PMO secretary, BSEC chairman, FBCCI president, Bangladesh Employers Federation president, BWCCI president and the executive chairman. The governing body will hold at least three meetings each year. The main office of the authority will be in Dhaka and its branches can be established in any place of the country taking prior permission. The inclusion in this pension scheme will be voluntarily unless the government issues any gazette for making it compulsory.
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